More than 1.000 European players above the age of 35 submitted their entries to play at the biannual European Senior Championships which were due to be held from 27 September to 4 October in the Croatian coastal city, Zadar.
Unfortunately, the global Covid-19 pandemic has forced Badminton Europe, in close cooperation with the Croatian Badminton Association and the local organising committee in Zadar, to postpone the event until 2021, so sadly the players will have to wait a bit longer before they can play at the traditional event. Currently, negotiations are ongoing to see if suitable dates can be found and subsequently announced.
Les Championnats d'Europe Seniors seront accueillis cette année par la Croatie et auront lieu à Zadar. Compte tenu du contexte sanitaire, cet événement d'envergure a été légèrement reporté et se déroulera sur 6 jours exceptionnellement, du dimanche 27 septembre au dimanche 4 octobre 2020.
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